Author Archives: caniggiacomputer

PPC – Paying for Website Visitors

Pay Per Click (PPC) is an advertising system offered by Search Engines in which an advertiser pays for each click on their advert. PPC adverts can be displayed on Search Engine results pages (search targeted) and content websites (content targeted).

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Becoming Affiliate Company Internet Marketing

Participating in affiliate programs as an internet marketing
company affiliate is a viable way to make money on the internet
without having your own products and services for sale. In
essence, as an internet marketing company affiliate, you market
other companies’ products and services for a fee.

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Learning The Basics Of RSS and How To Get Your RSS Feed Up On The Web

An RSS is a means of publicizing updates about websites. The RSS feed usually contains the title of the update originating from the website. What are the benefits of RSS?

RSS gives benefits to both readers (users) and web publishers.

Users are given a free-hand on which websites to subscribe in their RSS aggregators which they can change at any time they decide differently.

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What is SEO Anyway and SEO Services ?

What is SEO Anyway and SEO Services ?

Some SEO are scam artists. SEO are specialized techniques used to optimize your web site, to be Search engine friendly and increase your chances of placing well in searches. There are a large number of companies that adopt a fast and unethical approach to SEO known as Black Hat SEO. The best results from SEO are rarely achieved overnight. Website owners who unknowingly utilize black hat techniques of SEO are more vulnerable to changes in search engine algorithms and faced being banned.

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How to Register an Expiring Domain to Make Money Online

This is Tips  How to Register an Expiring Domain to Make Money Online

If the domain owner renews the domain go back to phase 1. Domains are an ever changing industry. The domain is then auctioned off at (a domain
auction site).

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Web Hosting – A Beginner’s Guide to Web Hosting

So you’re looking to learn about web hosting and what it has to offer or you may not know much about web hosting? On that note, lets begin learning about web hosting.

First off, what is web hosting and how does it work?

Hosting companies maintain large networks of high-powered web server computers in a physical location known as a data center. The web hosting companies provide a share of disk space and available bandwidth to a customer for a monthly fee. Types of web hosting

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Google Adsense Tips

To be sure, simply displaying Google Adsense ads in your website will not fetch you cash.
Briefly, Google Adsense is all about display of Adwords ads on content sites that are part of Google network. First, PPC (pay per click) advertisers using Adwords ad campaign have to opt for placement of their ads in content sites (the other option is search sites). Second, individual website owners must enroll with Google to qualify for displaying Adwords ads.
Google Adsense is thus an interface whereby enrolled web publishers agree to place Google Adwords ads on their websites in return for revenue that results when those ads are clicked on. Google Adsense is therefore a win-win situation for both parties at no additional cost to website owners.

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A Three-step Guide Planning Your Website for Success

Most people know they need a website in order to publicise and promote their business but very few people know what they want in their website. Planning your website also ensures that your website fulfills its purpose. Domain Name

Design of Website

Purpose of Website

Not every website’s intention is sell to consumers. If you want to sell products and services online, ensure you plan e-commerce facilities early into your website. Target Audience

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Canon Printer And Toner Products Reasonably Priced and Smart Buy

Canon toner and printer products are more than reasonably priced. Maybe I’m saying this as someone who likes photography so saving money on prints is valuable to me, but where else can you get an extremely cheap printer that gives you professional quality photographs in the comfort of your own home?

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Speed Up Your Slow Computer

Are you trying to find some ways to remove the snail pace of your PC? Are you frustrated with being bombarded with all kinds of emails of how to speed up your computer. Well this article is going to reveal to you what you should do right now to speed up your old computer.

Most likely if you are experiencing a slow computer it may be a couple years old. You also may not even own any diagnostic tools that will get your PC running like new again.

Well no matter what the problem is; you can address any of the error messages that your computer is sending you. First of all you just have to know what
your PC needs.

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