Tips To Get Paid Surveys

Paid Surveys actually aren’t that new. Below is a list of questions commonly asked about taking paid surveys

Can I Really Get Paid To Take Surveys Online?

Should I Pay To Join A Paid Survey Site?

NO! A legitimate paid survey site would never make you pay to work
for them. Those sites don’t even send paid surveys!

You can make a couple dollars a month with one
paid survey company. Most companies will
send only a few paid surveys a month. You will not be qualified for all paid surveys.

How Do I get Paid?

Each paid survey company will have it’s own payment system. Some pay you through Pay Pal. Some paid surveys
will enter you into drawings or sweepstakes. Sometimes the survey may pay $100 to 100 people who
took the survey. Where Can I Find Real Paid Surveys Without Paying For a Membership?

There are several Free Paid Surveys Directories online. Try Doing a search for “Taking
Free Paid Surveys Online” at . Once again, Never Pay A Fee To
Join a Paid Survey Site.

What Are Some Good Paid Surveys To Join?

  • NFO My Survey
  • Survey Spot
  • Survey Savvy
  • ECN REsearch
  • Lightspeed Research
  • Synovate Surveys


Market research companies pay everyday people small sums of money for their participation in a paid survey.

Are Paid Survey Sites Scams? There are several paid survey sites that scam people into paying a fee to join their paid survey site. Those types of paid survey sites do not actually send paid surveys. There is no good reason to join a paid membership site to take paid surveys online.

Which company sends the most paid surveys
That is hard to answer. NFO My Survey

GoZing Surveys

Survey Savvy

Survey Spot

How can I tell the difference between a legit paid survey and a paid survey scam
If a paid survey offers to pay you hundreds of dollars per paid survey that is a good indication that it is a scam. Alot of paid survey companies use a “points” system.
Who is eligible to take paid surveys
Just about anyone. Some paid survey companies will only accept people from certain countries. Others paid survey companies have world wide members.

About caniggiacomputer

I love technology, i love Computer

Posted on December 15, 2011, in Tips and Trick. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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